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Miniature Hydrangeas That Will

Title:Miniature Hydrangeas That Will Thrive in Small Spaces


Hydrangeas are beautiful flowering shrubs that can add a touch of elegance to any garden. However, not everyone has the space for a large hydrangea bush. If you're limited on space, don't worry! There are many miniature hydrangea varieties that will thrive in small spaces.

In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best miniature hydrangeas for small gardens and containers. We will also provide tips on how to care for these plants so that they can bloom beautifully for years to come.

Main Content:

Here are some of the best miniature hydrangeas for small gardens and containers:

  • Hydrangea arborescens 'Invincibelle Mini Mauvette' is a dwarf variety of smooth hydrangea that grows to only 2-3 feet tall and wide. It has deep purple flowers that bloom in late spring and summer. Image of Hydrangea arborescens 'Invincibelle Mini Mauvette' hydrangea
  • Hydrangea macrophylla 'Mini Penny' is another dwarf variety of bigleaf hydrangea that grows to only 2-3 feet tall. It has large, mophead flowers that can be pink or blue, depending on the acidity of the soil. Image of Hydrangea macrophylla 'Mini Penny' hydrangea
  • Hydrangea paniculata 'Little Lime' is a dwarf variety of panicle hydrangea that grows to only 3-4 feet tall. It has white flowers that bloom in late summer and early fall. Image of Hydrangea paniculata 'Little Lime' hydrangea
  • Hydrangea quercifolia 'Little Honey' is a dwarf variety of oakleaf hydrangea that grows to only 2-3 feet tall. It has small, cup-shaped flowers that bloom in late spring and summer. Image of Hydrangea quercifolia 'Little Honey' hydrangea
  • Hydrangea serrata 'Tiny Tuff Stuff' is a dwarf variety of lacecap hydrangea that grows to only 2-3 feet tall. It has small, lace-like flowers that bloom in late spring and summer. Image of Hydrangea serrata 'Tiny Tuff Stuff' hydrangea

These are just a few of the many miniature hydrangea varieties available. When choosing a miniature hydrangea for your garden, consider the following factors:

  • Sun exposure: Most miniature hydrangeas prefer partial shade, but some can tolerate full sun or full shade.
  • Soil type: Most miniature hydrangeas prefer moist, well-drained soil.
  • Hardiness zone: Make sure to choose a miniature hydrangea that is hardy in your growing zone.

Care Tips:

Miniature hydrangeas are relatively easy to care for. Here are some tips to help you keep your plants healthy and blooming:

  • Water your plants regularly, especially during hot, dry weather.
  • Fertilize your plants in the spring with a balanced fertilizer.
  • Deadhead spent flowers to encourage new blooms.
  • Protect your plants from frost in the winter.

With proper care, your miniature hydrangeas will thrive for many years to come.


Miniature hydrangeas are a beautiful and versatile addition to any garden. Whether you have a small yard or a balcony, there is a miniature hydrangea variety that is perfect for you. With proper care, your miniature hydrangeas will bloom beautifully for years to come.

If you are interested in learning more about miniature hydrangeas, I recommend visiting the website Home Gardening. This website has a wealth of information about miniature hydrangeas, including their history, care requirements, and different varieties. You can also find photos and illustrations of miniature hydrangeas, as well as tips on how to plant and grow them in your own garden.

FAQ of miniature hydrangea

Question: What is a miniature hydrangea?

Answer: A miniature hydrangea is a type of hydrangea that grows to be relatively small in size. They typically reach heights of 1-2.5 feet tall and wide, making them a good choice for small gardens or containers. Miniature hydrangeas come in a variety of colors, including white, pink, blue, and purple. They are hardy in zones 3-9 and can be grown in full sun or partial shade.

Question: How do I care for a miniature hydrangea?

Answer: Miniature hydrangeas are relatively easy to care for. They need well-drained soil and regular watering, especially during the hot summer months. They also benefit from being fertilized once a month during the growing season. Miniature hydrangeas can be pruned in the spring to remove dead or damaged branches.

Question: How do I get my miniature hydrangea to bloom?

Answer: Miniature hydrangeas need full sun or partial shade to bloom. They also need regular watering and fertilizing. The type of soil they are planted in can also affect their blooming. Miniature hydrangeas prefer slightly acidic soil. If your soil is alkaline, you can add compost or peat moss to lower the pH.

Question: What are some common problems with miniature hydrangeas?

Answer: Some common problems with miniature hydrangeas include:

  • Leaf spot: This is a fungal disease that causes brown or black spots on the leaves. It can be treated with a fungicide.
  • Aphids: These small insects can suck the sap out of the leaves, causing them to wilt and curl. They can be controlled with insecticidal soap or neem oil.
  • Scale: These small insects attach themselves to the stems and leaves of the plant and suck the sap. They can be controlled with a horticultural oil or insecticidal soap.

Question: How can I propagate a miniature hydrangea?

Answer: Miniature hydrangeas can be propagated by division or by taking cuttings. To divide a hydrangea, carefully dig up the plant and separate the roots into two or more sections. Replant each section in its own pot or in the ground. To take a cutting, cut a healthy stem from the plant that is about 4-6 inches long. Remove the leaves from the bottom half of the cutting and dip the end in rooting hormone. Plant the cutting in a pot of well-draining soil and keep the soil moist. The cutting should root in a few weeks.

Question: Where can I buy a miniature hydrangea?

Answer: Miniature hydrangeas are available at most garden centers and online retailers.

Image of miniature hydrangea

10 different images of miniature hydrangea that are free to use:

  1. Little Lime HydrangeaImage of Little Lime Hydrangea This hydrangea is known for its small, lime green flowers that bloom in the summer. It grows to be about 2 feet tall and wide.
  2. PeeGee HydrangeaImage of PeeGee Hydrangea This hydrangea is another small variety that grows to be about 3 feet tall and wide. It has large, conical flowers that bloom in the summer.
  3. Nikko Blue HydrangeaImage of Nikko Blue Hydrangea This hydrangea is a dwarf variety that grows to be about 1 foot tall and wide. It has small, blue flowers that bloom in the summer.
  4. Annabelle HydrangeaImage of Annabelle Hydrangea This hydrangea is a popular variety that grows to be about 3-4 feet tall and wide. It has large, white flowers that bloom in the summer.
  5. Limelight HydrangeaImage of Limelight Hydrangea This hydrangea is similar to the Little Lime Hydrangea, but it has larger flowers that bloom in the summer. It grows to be about 3 feet tall and wide.
  6. Serrata HydrangeaImage of Serrata Hydrangea This hydrangea is a small, spreading shrub that grows to be about 2 feet tall and wide. It has small, white flowers that bloom in the summer.
  7. Pandora's Box HydrangeaImage of Pandora's Box Hydrangea This hydrangea is a unique variety that has flowers that can change color from pink to blue to green. It grows to be about 3 feet tall and wide.
  8. Little Kim HydrangeaImage of Little Kim Hydrangea This hydrangea is a dwarf variety that grows to be about 1 foot tall and wide. It has small, pink flowers that bloom in the summer.
  9. Incrediball HydrangeaImage of Incredibleball Hydrangea This hydrangea is a compact variety that grows to be about 3 feet tall and wide. It has large, round flowers that bloom in the summer.
  10. French Lace HydrangeaImage of French Lace Hydrangea This hydrangea is a unique variety that has flowers that resemble lace. It grows to be about 3 feet tall and wide.

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